Linoleine Acid (LA) (omega-6) 649 mg
Oleik Acid (OA) (omega-9) 271 mg
Olelim nigallae sativae tranfers Linoleik acid that has the ratio of 50% of Omega 6 fatty acid. Also, it includes Omega 9 fatty acid and oleic acid. Olelim nigallae sativae transfers high level of polyphenolics compositions and because of this, it is one of the oil whose oxidative stability is high.
It is proved that Olelim nigallae sativae semen has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristic. Generally it is used for antitussive and bronchial asthma. It makes digestion easier and enhances the immune system. Also, it helps to reduce the level of serum total cholesterol and triglyceride.
Black Cumin Seed Oil